STEM Workshops
With the emphasis on raising the aspirations of young people, this workshop gets students out and about to interview people in a variety of different jobs. Schools are looking to encourage students to think about careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and there are many companies in your area that offer great jobs and graduate schemes in these areas.
This workshop is an alternative to traditional ‘work experience’ – students get excited and enthusiastic about seeing the work of professionals in this field and finding out more about their job by interviewing them.
Our economy is increasingly focused on research and technology and needs people with the skills and abilities that STEM qualifications provide. Every year, the UK is short of 40,000 STEM graduates, which is affecting companies that offer graduate schemes.
We work closely with the National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP) in a bid to encourage and motivate disadvantaged children. We aim to increase aspirations and give children a new goal or focus for the long term.
So let’s get our students motivated and enthused about STEM!
*This school workshop can be a standalone workshop or follow on from Hold the Front Page or Junior Newshound.
Read about how students from Ken Stimpson Community School
interviewed people who worked in the
STEM industry!
Get In Touch
A workshop can be a full day, half day or repeater sessions. We also offer bespoke workshops written to suit your requirements, or around something happening in your school or locality.
To discuss how we could work with you please get in touch.